Frequently Asked Questions - DIFY (Do It For You)
Click a question to jump down to the answer!
What can I expect with a DIFY service package?
How long are the articles you write for the content tasks?
Does this guarantee that I will get 30 back-links from the 30 completed tasks?
Are there any tasks you don't complete?
Can I choose which tasks I want to be completed?
Will the person completing my tasks first research my company so they can better tackle the LotusJump tasks?
Once I choose my keywords, will I be able to change them? If so, how do I go about doing so?
When can I expect to see improved rankings and positive results?
Does this service contain a recurring fee?
Are there any particular sites that you do not accept as part of the DIFY service package?
How can I sign up for LotusJump DIFY?
Q: What can I expect with a DIFY service package?
A: By signing up for a DIFY account, you can expect to have 30 completed tasks, which come from the various buzz, Q&A, directory, & sometimes competitive linking tasks. In addition to the completion of these 30 tasks, we will also write 3 unique articles and publish them on various article sites (such as EzineArticles, Hubpages, Infobarrel, eHow, etc).
Q: How long are the articles you write for the content tasks?
A: Generally, the articles we produce are between 350-500 words in length. Most article sites require a minimum of 300 words in order for articles to be accepted. And in case you were wondering, the articles are unique; in the sense that someone took the time to actually write them (they have not been copied or scraped from content already published on the web).
Q: Does this guarantee that I will get 30 back-links from the 30 completed tasks?
A: Unfortunately, we do not control the sites where we will be building links and therefore cannot guarantee that the links we submit will pass through moderation. However, most site moderators tend to enjoy the increase in traffic to their sites and allow links to be submitted (where they usually approve them).
Q: Are there any tasks you don't complete?
A: Yes. We do not complete any tasks that require payment (such as submitting sites to paid directories), location verification (Google Local), and company-sensitive material (such as creating a company Facebook page or LinkedIn profile).
Q: Can I choose which tasks I want to be completed?
A: You may request which types of tasks you would like us to focus on, but not all tasks may be available. For example, depending on the given keywords, there may or may not be any Q&A tasks to work on. If no one on the internet is asking a question about your particular product/service, we won't be able to complete any Q&A tasks.
Q: Will the person completing my tasks first research my company so they can better tackle the LotusJump tasks?
A: Yes, someone will look over your site to get a good feel for the product or service you are offering, but that does not mean we will become experts in that industry. Our main focus is to improve your keyword rankings in the search engines and direct qualified traffic to you guys (the real experts :)).
Q: Once I choose my keywords, will I be able to change them? If so, how do I go about doing so?
A: You may choose to change your keywords at anytime simply by sending an email to support@lotusjump.com or giving us a call at 801-615-7404. If tasks have already been completed and you wish to change your keyword(s), this does not mean the completion of the 30 tasks will start over. You simply will have 30 total tasks completed by the end of the billing period, regardless of keyword selection.
Q: When can I expect to see improved rankings and positive results?
A: This is a somewhat loaded question and can vary, depending on multiple factors such as keyword competitiveness, age of the domain, time it takes Google to crawl the new content & links built, as well as a few other things. If your site/keywords are pretty unique and competition is low, you can expect to see results within a few months. If you are in a more competitive industry where marketing budgets are fierce, expect results to take even longer.
Q: Does this service contain a recurring fee?
A: All of our services, including DIFY, are on a month-to-month basis. There are no long-term commitments, however, we recommend trying our services for at least 3-6 months to start to see the full benefits of using LotusJump's DIFY program. Cancellation must be done prior to your renewal date since we don't offer refunds. You can cancel your account by contacting LotusJump at 801-615-7494.
Q: Are there any particular sites that you do not accept as part of the DIFY service package?
A: We do not allow sites that sell products or services that may be considered illegal here in the United States. We do not allow any sites that have sexually explicit material or contain content that the average person would find offensive or objectionable. We also prefer not to have any type of affiliate sites since most of the article sites and blogs do not allow affiliate links.
Q: How can I sign up for LotusJump DIFY?
A: Click here to use our secure online signup form and we'll get your account set up and begin working on it right away!