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Get To Know: The Directory Submission Task

Learn how to use LotusJump to submit your website to different online directories.

How It Works
The basic idea: You fill out a submission form for your site to be included in an online website directory. If your website submission is accepted, that directory will add your website and link to it.

The Different Types
You'll find both free and paid directories in LotusJump. Paid ones like the Yahoo Directory provide a strong backlink, but typically come with a steep pricetag. Free ones are worthwhile, but pack less of a punch. You'll also find directories for certain industries and niches...if you are served a Directory Submission task that you don't feel applies to your website, feel free to delete it! Don't worry, we won't be offended.

Why They're Great
Directories can give your website both exposure and good links. The nice thing about Online Directories is that you fill out the form once, click "submit" and you're done. There's usually no further maintenance required.

Go Do One!
Log into your account, click the "filter options" button, select all "directory submission tasks", and search through the pages until you find a task entitled "Submit [your website] to SearchSite." This submission process is about as easy as they come...but it gives you the general idea of how they work. Have fun!